The Lancaster Model is a validated, systematic, safe approach to immediately assess the needs of individuals and populations. The process ensures true early intervention can be provided to children, young people and their families, who without it, could potentially get missed and sit “under the radar”.

Stepping on the Travellator
The Lancaster Model generates early intervention alerts to identify and support individuals who are just “stepping on the Travellator” before they present with substantial problems and issues later on, and who are “already in the fire.”

Case Studies
Case Study A
“As parents complete the School Entry Questionnaire it offers a valuable opportunity for them to ask for help, support and information. In this case, alerts were triggered because the parent had requested support and advice regarding their child’s general health, development and emotional health and wellbeing. This enabled me to contact the parent and talk through the alerts and quickly identify that the parent also required specific and immediate support and advice due to a deterioration in her own mental health and wellbeing. This case has highlighted the importance of early identification and intervention, thus enabling support to be provided for children and families. If it hadn’t been for The Lancaster Model, this family may have slipped through the net which could have had detrimental effects on the child and mother’s future health”
Specialist Community Public Health Nurse – Kent Community Health NHS Trust.
Case Study B
” The Lancaster Model year 6 questionnaires was completed in a class of 30 pupils. The session raised 80 alerts ranging from risk and protective, emotional wellbeing and universal health issues including chronic health conditions. This provided a vehicle to enable conversation, assess alerts in a proactive way and support our role in sharing information, signposting and offering advice and support to empower young people to take responsibility for their own health by giving them the tools and the permission to do so. This was also an opportunity to advocate earlier health measures and create an open forum for their voices to be heard”.
Specialist Community Public Health Nurse – Kent Community NHS Trust
Case Study C
“The TLM year 6 questionnaire uncovered that a child was finding things difficult, was worried about her physical development, felt she was overweight was having some problems with peers in her class and said they were unkind. The child voiced she was having suicidal thought and thoughts about ending her life. Because of this information, I could reassure her and refer her to specialist support services straight away to help improve her emotional health, I also linked with the pastoral lead in her school, who was also able to provide emotional support and create further opportunities to talk about her feelings. Her mother thanked me and said she was pleased her daughter was able to voice how low she was feeling and get the right help”.
Specialist Community Public Health Nurse – Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust
Case Study D
“In this case, the child had not discussed any of her concerns and worries prior to completing the TLM questionnaire. This uncovered that she had been bullied in year 4 and some of year 5 and now lacked confidence, friendships were difficult for her and she found it hard to interact in school. She was often tearful and felt anxious and nervous with her teachers and unable to express how she felt. As a direct result, she received some individualised support which addressed the immediate concerns but also provided her, and her parents, with strategies to manage similar situations in the future”
Specialist Community Public Health Nurse – Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust