Improve Outcomes for all Children, Young people and their Families
Be reassured and confident you can deliver your Service Specification and Government directives
Deliver Early Intervention to prevent more longer term complex health problems occurrings
Identify the root causes of Lifestyle Choices and Behaviour and increase Public Health Practice
Increase the Efficiency and Effectiveness of all your staff
Use data to Performance Manage individuals and monitor interventions and practice
Utilise the skills, knowledge and training of Specialist Community Public Health Nurses
Have a Bespoke Selling Point, adding value, to increase your chances of winning tenders

4 Key Messages for Providers/Practitioners:

1: Stop Problems Escalating for Individuals and Populations and Deliver True Early Intervention Services

2: Use Local, Live Aggregated Data at the Push of a Button, to Direct and Evidence Proactive, Preventative Public Health Practice

3: Deliver Government Directives and Your Service Specification and Improve Workforce Efficiencies and Effectiveness

4: Substantiate and Standardise Practice, Using Universal Early Identification and Measured Outcomes

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The Lancaster Model is a registered trade mark. All rights reserved.  

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