“A TLM whole school data report was shared with
school, highlighting concerns relating to body image,
bullying and relationships. This was so powerful to
the teacher that she created a “box of health worries“
for her students so that they could share any concerns
about their health and wellbeing daily”
Improve Outcomes for all Children, Young people and their Families
Strengthen Partnership working with Health and other Agencies
Increase Access for children, young people and families to school health teams
Deliver Early Support and Intervention to prevent more longer term complex health problems
Improve pupil attainment and attendance
Receive your schools own, yearly, aggregated data report to evidence your pupils needs
Use live meaningful data to direct school resources and influence your national curriculum
Provide enhanced evidence to support Ofsted Monitoring
TLM – four key benefits for Schools/Head Teachers
1: Early Support and Intervention, Before Significant Problems Present, for Individuals and Populations
2: Capture the Voices of All Children and Young People and Provide the Opportunity for Them to Ask for Help, Support and Information
3: Increase the Visibility and Accessibility of Your School Health Team to Increase Pupil Attainment and Achievement
4: Use Local, Live Data to Direct and Evidence Your Resources, National Curriculum, PSHE and Ofsted Monitoring